What Is Globy? How B2B Markets Work


One of the most popular models for partnership is B2B. Under this scheme, companies sell goods to each other, negotiating the details of the transaction. B2B is characterized by a long buy-sell cycle: a deal is concluded for quite a long time because a lot of approvals are needed. The fact is that the risk is high since a large batch is purchased and there is a lot of money at stake. Of course, you need to be safe and double-check the details several times.

Some deals are completed in a day, while others are discussed for a week or longer. You need to understand that in case of an error, a lot of money can be lost. In this article, we discuss the prospects of the B2B model and talk about the principle of its operation. We also present one of the best markets today – Globy. On the website, you can arrange the cargo shipping yourself with a choice of all possible options. We express our conclusions and opinions at the end of the report, taking into account the pros and cons.

A Few Words About Globy

This is a prospective marketplace operating on the principle of B2B. Outwardly, the site resembles a standard online store. The peculiarity is that only entrepreneurs can register here. When filling out the questionnaire, you need to enter the correct company data, as well as give a brief description and links to the official web pages. You must also provide contact details, as the businesses will try to contact you if they are interested in your offer. In such markets, there is no final price, you can bargain and argue. When making a deal, Globy does not charge you a commission. The calculation is made officially and you will have to pay tax to the state where your legal entity is registered. The following are the benefits of this market:

The catalog has a great assortment.

One can find great deals for companies.

There are special tools.

Special Tools

Suppose that you have already selected a product and agreed on a price with the supplier. In this case, you can use a special tool that is available on the Globy website. There you can choose the type and dimensions of the container for sea transportation. You should try the FCL type. In this case, only your cargo will be in the container. Air transportation is faster, but it is more expensive, so we recommend that you ship the cargo by sea. On the Globy website, you can check which port your cargo is in. If someone has not picked up their cargo, then you, having assessed its condition, can buy it back for further resale. If you have any questions, it is possible to ask them in an online chat or send an official request by email.

Some Tips

The tool provides only approximate information. You need to negotiate the shipment of the cargo directly with the supplier. It is better to specify everything in detail so that there will be no problems in the future. You should speak immediately about your preferences and conditions if you have them. The goods can be returned, but this is due to losses, so the transaction must be clear to both parties. It is recommended to choose suppliers who are always in contact and can answer your questions quickly. Buyers should be sure to check the integrity and quality of the cargo upon arrival.


In this article, we touched upon the features of B2B markets, as well as described their online activities. We can say that Globy is one of the most promising wholesale stores today. It is a platform where you can not only choose a product from a wide list but also use special tools. As a result, you will be able to pick up the container yourself and monitor its movement. It should be noted that such platforms are used to expand business and find new partners, suppliers, and buyers. It is not necessary to focus on one market. 

It is more reasonable to register on several sites at once in order to have the largest selection of offers. When signing the agreement, one should pay attention to the amount of the commission. You can collaborate with Globy for free and even get free advertising. You should follow the rules of the community and report only real data, so as not to get blacklisted. We invite you to cooperate with Globy and increase your profit daily.